Archive for the farm

it’s raining at the farm!

Posted in the farm with tags , , on September 1, 2010 by frannie50

 isabella, the farmdog, was quite perplexed when she heard the strange sound of the rumbling thunder.   she literally had to run out on the porch to check out this sound which she had never heard, and her being a new mom, but not quite an ‘ole lady, as olivia would say, she just didnt have a clue what that rumblin sound meant.

but i did. i stopped my housecleaning and stared outside in complete amazement.

i was just putting the kitchen tablecloth on when i heard the strange sounds myself. the day was already determined for me. i was going to spend the morning cleaning house and the afternoon crafting. a perfect combination. i had just wondered if i should remove a few layers from the west windows.  this summer was so hot and dry that i had stored my tablecloths on the west windows to block some of the sun, aka heat from the kitchen which gets hot enough in the evening when you cook. 

besides i just like looking at all the vintage tablecloths and believe it diverts the eye from my “exposed” ceilings.  a little sharecropper chic decorating, there.

but as i was adding my layers of table cloth curtains, i heard the pounding of rain on the window and well, i had to go outside with little isabella and introduce her to rain.

ps. she says she likes it.